Create new folder named src. In src folder, create new file named main.go as below:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var a = []int{5, 9, 1, 2, 8}
p := &a
fmt.Println("Element 0: ", (*p)[0])
fmt.Println("List of Elements")
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
fmt.Print((*p)[i], " ")
fmt.Println("\nList of Elements")
for index, value := range *p {
fmt.Println(index, ": ", value)
fmt.Println("Elements of A array")
func ModifyArray(p *[]int) {
(*p)[2] = 22
Open Terminal windows in Visual Studio Code and run command line: go run main.go
Element 0: 5
List of Elements
5 9 1 2 8
List of Elements
0: 5
1: 9
2: 1
3: 2
4: 8
Elements of A array
[5 9 22 2 8]